Two years ago I was beginning my senior of high school...that is really hard for me to believe! It feels like it was a long time ago, but in a way it really wasn't.
I loved the beginning of the school year for two things only: tennis and getting to see my friends every day. Ironically, these are two things that actually didn't have much to do with school :)
I miss captain's practice and playing Olympics and Big Point Little Point the whole time.
I miss DQ nights where all we did was laugh.
I miss Pizza Ranch, dessert pizza, and our eating contests.
I miss our prayer huddle before every match. So powerful.
I miss cheering on my team, even in really cold weather.
I miss my failed attempts at drinking water that season and having everyone make fun of me for it looking like I peed my pants on multiple occasions.
I miss the best doubles partner ever: Chelsey. Mac 'n' Cheese all the way ;)
I miss Orvik's pep talks that motivated all of us.
I miss the exhilaration of making it to state (with a lot of help from God).
I miss making bets with Orvik about if we made it to state he would let us shave his head. And that is exactly what we did :)
I miss being crazy.
I just miss my girls!
Tennis was such a great part of my life...I loved the girls on my team and the crazy times we had. So thankful for all the wonderful experiences :)