If you have known me at all, you have also known that I hated running with a passion. I despised it. I thought it was so stupid how people could enjoy running around for the fun of it. I just didn't understand. I completely dreaded running the mile in the fall and spring during the school year. I thought my phy. ed. teachers were cruel and enjoyed making us miserable.
Then one day at college, I was convinced to go running by my roommate and another friend. I decided it wasn't so bad. Then I made a commitment to run a 10k in March and now I run all the time!
I actually look forward to running now. Well, most of the time. Some days I just don't want to. I also hate running inside because there are usually a lot of people at the gym. I love running outside because I get to be away from people (depending on where I am running). It's a huge stress-reliever and mood-booster too :)
So anyways, I thought I'd just share this revolutionary change in my life. After phy. ed. I never thought I'd run again. Now I run for the fun of it! I plan on doing 5ks and 10ks in my future...maybe someday a half-marathon or marathon? We'll see :)
Um, I'm a total running hater. I get a stitch in my side walking down to the mailbox! I like the thought of it though. Running, alone, with your thoughts, the quietness of being alone...kind of reminds me of gardening! So relaxing and I don't get a stitch in my side!