Friday, April 26, 2013

aha! moments

You know those days where it just hits you in the face how much God loves you and you can't stop smiling about it?

It's that kind of day for me. God is awesome :)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Oh you know, I'm just eating a completely normal breakfast of Cheerios and an energy drink. Breakfast of champions right here, folks. 

I love the end of the semester.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

This is my life as an English major

See that tall stack of books? These are what I need in order to write only two out of three of my papers...

I laugh at it because if I don't, I will cry :)

10 more days of this!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Birthday weekend

I didn't do much on Friday, my actual birthday.  I went to a dance show that a couple of my friends were in, got ice cream after, and then skyped Kelly!

My English buddies, Alex and Rachael, and I went out on Saturday night. We ate at an Indian Restaurant (my first time ever and it was soooo good). We also went to Barnes & Noble where we spent over two hours browsing all the books and even reading a few children's books to each other. Yep, we are obviously English majors :) We got FroYo after that (another first for me) and watched Newsies! Lots of fun.

The girls and I went to Brio on Sunday night to celebrate mine and Bria's birthdays. Good food & good friends :)

 Birthday girls :)
The girls :)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Getting older

I'm so old. I barely made it to 12:05 a.m. to witness the beginning of my 20th birthday before I fell asleep!

I enjoyed being 19 so I could surprise people by telling them I am actually still in my teens :) I can't do that anymore.

Excited to see what life in my twenties brings me :)

I will be home in two weeks!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

A fun weekend!

Hunter and Josh visited last weekend and we had a really great time!

Friday we went to a Cincinnati Reds game:

Awesome view :)

All of us!

On Saturday we went hiking:

 precious :)
 Hunter has some photo-bombing skills hahaha


We had a really fun time together and it was nice to show them around. Only three more weeks until I am home!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


It's finally April! What used to be my favorite month (because it's my birthday month, obviously), is now one of my least favorite months. Rather than enjoying the spring weather and celebrating my birthday, I will be trapped in the library cramming everything into this month that I did not do earlier. AKA, I'm a procrastinator and I have only myself to blame. One more year of this torture [that I am paying for and oh so blessed to be going through *cough*]

Now that my last break before the end of the school year, I officially have 17 days left of classes, 5 days of finals, then I will be HOME! (this countdown unfortunately does not include weekends)

Madison and I went to Sarah's home in PA for Easter break and we had a lot of fun! We even got to go to D.C.--I have never been there before!


The White House! So much smaller than I thought it would be...


World War II memorial...home sweet home

The Cherry Blossom Festival was going on and Saturday was kite-flying day! It was so pretty!

Easter baskets!

 Sarah's wonderful family!

I have awesome friends :)

Now it's back to the real world where I actually have to do school.

*side note: I hate homework.

Countdown of major projects until I am free:
1 Analysis paper
4 Research papers
Fiction Portfolio
3 Exams
2 Finals