Friday, September 30, 2011


First off, here are a couple more pictures from Printy Wars :)

 At our unit meeting last week, we made music videos and my group did a video to "I'll Make a Man out of You" from Mulan obviously. It was quite fun!

Last Saturday we went hiking with some of the guys in our brother unit, which was an adventure.
 Here is a picture of all of us 

Docks hate our unit. This is the second time in one month that we have almost sunk a dock. My feet didn't get wet though :)

We hiked for a couple of hours before heading to a park to grill our burgers and eat all of our delicious food.

The one thing we forgot to bring were plates. So we saran-wrapped the tables and ate off of those!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears...oh my!

Picture a parking lot full of screaming girls in various costumes dancing and doing other crazy activities. This is basically what Printy Wars is all about.

Our unit did the Wizard of Oz theme and we got 2nd place for costumes! We went all out. Pretty legit. (I couldn't find the picture of all of us so here are a couple of pictures of most of us)

 You can't see our wings. But we had them.

At 9:30 all of the girls in Printy were in the parking lot dressed in different costumes. We danced, sang, and did a bunch of crazy activities that involved shaving cream, fruit loops, syrup, sponges, an orange, and soda.

Our brother units were encouraged to come cheer us on and dress up-our brothers came as the yellow brick road. 

It was a fun time, although screaming girls is one of my least favorite things on the planet.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Barefoot Thursday

This summer, Cedarville sent everyone in the entire freshman class a book called True Religion by Palmer Chinchen. In his book, Palmer talked about how his church had a 'barefoot Sunday' where he encouraged his entire congregation to wear their favorite shoes to church, leave them at the altar, and then go barefoot the rest of the day. The purpose was obviously to raise shoes, which they then gave to people in Africa. Over 1 billion people in the entire world do not own a single pair of shoes, and that is a very sad fact.

Someone in our freshman class had the idea of us having our own 'barefoot' day here at Cedarville to collect shoes. And when Palmer came and spoke at our school on Thursday, that is exactly what we did! Although it was rainy and cold, a lot of us spent the day walking around without shoes. We even raised over 3,000 pairs for Palmer to take to Liberia with him next summer!

Palmer speaking

People praying over the shoes for the people who would be receiving them

God is working in amazing ways here! I am so proud to be a part of this school :)

Check out this link for a video about what went on:

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Kitchen Sink 2

Here is a picture of us 4 that I didn't put up before :)

Labor Day Weekend

On Thursday we had a meeting with all of the girls in our unit. Well, it technically wasn't a was a photo scavenger hunt race! We were in teams and had to run all over campus taking pictures.

 The rock that people paint with announcements!


I had a blast this weekend! The weather was really weird though. It was extremely hot last week and it was around 100 degrees on Saturday so we went to the beach for a couple of hours!

 Madison holding her rocks :)

Monday was a chilly day, but all of the girls in my unit got to go sailing! A girl in our unit, Hayley, and her family own a sailboat. We used their boat and three others that their friends owned because one boat is way too small for all of us!
Sarah, Chelsea, me, and Madison were in a sailboat together

We were in the boat called the Kitchen Sink II. We were kind of worried that Kitchen Sink I had sunk.


These pictures describes pretty much our entire two hour long boat ride :) We laughed A LOT!

 McKinley and I being normal :)

 All of us waiting to eat

 McKinley, me, and Madison

Hayley and her family's boat

When we got back from sailing we got to go to the Cedarville fireworks...Labor day is a pretty big deal here because the father of labor day was born here apparently! Overall I had boatloads of fun ;)  (pun intended)


Friday, September 2, 2011

Journey Through the Clouds

I love clouds. If you know me at all, you know that I regularly comment on how beautiful the sky looks at any given time, especially if there are clouds.  There’s just something about the sky that screams “God’s masterpiece.” He gets to paint us beautiful sunrises and sunsets every single day! And he never disappoints.  Have you ever seen an ugly sunrise or sunset? Didn’t think so!

Journey through the clouds seems like a weird blog name, doesn’t it?  Don’t worry, I understand; my mind works in weird ways sometimes :) I am sure you have heard the saying that ‘life is a journey.’ That is kind of a given.  To me, life is like a journey…through the clouds of life.

Some days are beautiful and sunny; bright and happy.  Life is going great and we feel like smiling all of the time for no reason at all.  Even the big, white, puffy clouds don’t get in the way of how great you feel.  Then come the darker clouds; life is dark and dreary, and we feel sad and depressed.  We can’t see or understand anything and don’t know where we are in life.  Eventually we always emerge through the darkness and life is beautiful again!

That’s what I like about comparing life with the sky.  We don’t always understand the weather just like we don’t always understand the storms in our life.  But it is always beautiful.  God planned it; He created it; it has to be beautiful!  Why would He want to make something ugly?