Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The end of my last fall semester...

The semester is finally over! Definitely my hardest semester yet; I feel; like I hardly slept in November. And I turned in almost 200 pages in the final week of the semester!
 My parents visited at the beginning of November! It was so fun introducing them to all of my friends and the place I call home for most of the year.
Some friends and I met Rachael halfway between her home and CU for her birthday dinner:)

We celebrated birthdays with a night out for dinner!
 Good movie:)
I went with Rachael to her grandparents' home in PA. Me, Alyssa, and Rachael made a music video;)

Christmas Party!
50 books checked out by the end of the semester...

Now I am enjoying being home sleeping, reading, playing piano, and just relaxing!