Wednesday, September 26, 2012

two whole years ago!

Two years ago I was beginning my senior of high school...that is really hard for me to believe! It feels like it was a long time ago, but in a way it really wasn't.

I loved the beginning of the school year for two things only: tennis and getting to see my friends every day. Ironically, these are two things that actually didn't have much to do with school :)

I miss captain's practice and playing Olympics and Big Point Little Point the whole time.

I miss DQ nights where all we did was laugh.

I miss Pizza Ranch, dessert pizza, and our eating contests.

I miss our prayer huddle before every match. So powerful.

I miss cheering on my team, even in really cold weather.

I miss my failed attempts at drinking water that season and having everyone make fun of me for it looking like I peed my pants on multiple occasions.

I miss the best doubles partner ever: Chelsey. Mac 'n' Cheese all the way ;)

I miss Orvik's pep talks that motivated all of us.

I miss the exhilaration of making it to state (with a lot of help from God).

I miss making bets with Orvik about if we made it to state he would let us shave his head. And that is exactly what we did :)

I miss being crazy.

I just miss my girls!

Tennis was such a great part of my life...I loved the girls on my team and the crazy times we had.  So thankful for all the wonderful experiences  :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

so I'll sing

Sometimes I need to give myself a pep talk, and this quote really relates to me. Sometimes I wonder, why bother? I am obviously not very good so I won't even try.

And that is a lie from Satan.

I have to remind myself all the time that God has given me talents and it doesn't matter if I am not the best at something. It doesn't mean that I'm not good at it. I need to find my worth in Him and not my abilities.

And I also need to try my best and pursue things anyways. If I only pursued things that I was best at, I wouldn't be pursuing life at all.

Friday, September 14, 2012

My body hates me

The chiropractor has been my best friend for as long as I can home I usually go and see him a lot.

When I was a lot younger, I would go to the chiropractor to get my neck/spine adjusted because when it was out of place, I would get really bad migraines and throw up sometimes.

Then my freshman year of high school I threw out my lower back on the right side. I couldn't really move without sharp pain for over three weeks! During that time I was at the chiropractor almost every day.

This past summer I twisted my knee and couldn't run for three was terrible! Then I finally get the go-ahead to start running again, and one month later I am injured again.

Monday night I stretched weird after I went running, and hurt my lower back on the left side this time. I came into the dorm not being able to bend over at all without it feeling like a knife was going through my back.  So Tuesday for the first time I had to go to the chiropractor here in Ohio. Thankfully that went pretty well and I am doing okay now. I still can't bend over without feeling pain, but it's much better than it was on Monday!

My roomies have all been uber concerned about me...they have taken over my mom's job! When I drop things (which is a lot because I am a klutz) they rush to pick them up before I can attempt to get down there, and they even carried my backpack around a couple of times for me :) they are the best!

I hope I am better soon! And that I can actually stay injury-free this time!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


So today I got an e-mail saying I had a box...I was super surprised because I hadn't ordered anything and that's typically the only reason I ever get a box. Madison suggested that maybe it was grape laffy taffy, since I had posted it on my blog, but I found that pretty unlikely. But I opened up the box and there it was!!

A 145 count box of grape laffy taffy deliciousness!!!! I was so happy!! It made my entire day/week/month :)

I texted my mom to see if she knew who they were from, and they were from her and my dad...I have the greatest parents :)

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for making my life wonderfully you!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Laffy Taffy

I am experiencing a very large problem right now.
I was doing fine, writing an essay about baseball and my child and so on, when all of a sudden I remembered grape laffy taffy. This piece of Willy Wonka genius was one of my favorite things growing up; I used to get it when I went to my dad’s baseball games.

And now, I just can’t stop thinking about it. My mouth is literally becoming a lake right now.

I haven’t had it in years, but I really want to eat it right now…too bad I have no idea where I can buy this piece of deliciousness these days.
If you find one for me, feel free to mail it to me ;) college kids love mail…especially mail involving food!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

365 (or so) days later

A little over a year ago I was full of fear (mixed with a little excitement too). The future was all unknown...and that was slightly petrifying to me. Little did I know that I would meet people I love and can't imagine my life without! God is so good and faithful even in my unbelief.

365 days later I was feeling a lot different. And I was making the journey to Ohio with just my family. I was so excited to be reunited with my girls...all summer I had missed living with some of my best friends! It is so nice to walk two feet and always have someone to talk to. Driving up to Cedarville, I just wanted to see my friends and get unpacked. I wasn't stressing about everything that was about to happen in my life. It's a good feeling!

I missed these people!

I am happy to be back :)