Friday, March 30, 2012

Kelly came to visit :)

Last week at this time, Kelly was here!

She got here Thursday evening and went back to Minnesota Monday morning, so I got to have her here the whole weekend!

I showed her all around Cedarville's campus and some of the town. We got to play tennis and Settler's of Catan which was tons of fun!

Saturday morning was the 10k where we were raising money to support the Red Thread Movement. Kelly ran the last couple hundred meters with me :) 

 Sarah and I ran the whole way together in 56:22 :) next year my goal is to do it in under 50 minutes!
Kelly and I :)

Saturday night we went and saw the Hunger Games movie :) 

It was so fun having her here and showing her everything :) I wish she was still here!!

Cheesecake factory for the roomie :)

For Madison's birthday all of us went to the Cheesecake Factory! Her parents surprised her and gave us money to spend on cheesecake, which we happily did :) Madison was so happy and surprised!

Thank you Jim and Lisa! You're the best :)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Madison is 19 today!

Another one of my closest friends has her birthday this week too :) my roomie, Madison!

I feel so blessed to have her as my roommate. This year has been so much fun and I don't know how it would have been if Madison wasn't my roommate.

I have gotten so much closer to her and she is practically like a sister to me! She is so caring, honest, and just all around wonderful. We have the same weird sense of humor and it makes college life a lot more fun when you can be totally crazy and silly with someone you love to be with :)

Happy 19th Birthday, roomie! Love you so much!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Kelly is 19 today!

God blessed me with one of my best friends in the entire world: Kelly! I have known her since I was 3 or 4 and we were inseparable throughout our childhood :) During middle school and most of high school we didn't hang out together as much, but I always knew she was there for me and I for her.

I had many firsts with Kelly...she was my first best friend I ever had :) We spent practically every weekend at one of our houses. Anything from playing playstation to playing house to games to attempting to skateboard-everything! The first time I had a sleep over was with her, the first time I had a lemonade stand was with her, the list goes on and on.

 There are so many things I love about this girl. For one, she just understands me perfectly. I have never met anyone who feels just about the same way about everything as I do :) I don't even have to fully say what I am trying to and she just gets it.

If either one of us has an awkward story, the first person we tell it to is usually each other. This keeps me sane because I know I'm not alone in my awkwardness and when the moment is over, I'll have a good story to tell Kelly!

There isn't anything I can't tell her; I would trust her with anything :) I also can't get sick of her, we always have things to talk and laugh about!

I laugh harder with her than pretty much anyone else. Most people don't really get our humor. Honestly, we don't even get our humor sometimes ;) All I know is that we can be bent over laughing at something that isn't really that funny to other people, but we still find it as the most hilarious thing ever.

When I think of my perfect day, I think of Kelly and playing tennis, card games, or being on the lake :)

I am so excited for the many dreams for the future we share together, like going to all the major tennis tournaments and traveling the world going to exotic places. I can't pick a better traveling buddy :)

She's one of those friends that I know we will be best friends forever!

Happy Birthday, Kelly! I am so thankful God put you in my life. I love you :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I love food.

Seriously, though.

One of my favorite parts about coming home is the fact that I get to eat a lot of really good food. And I get to make whatever I want!

So tonight I made Broccoli and White Cheddar Mac 'n Cheese and Cake Batter bars! YUM.

Follow the links if you want the recipes :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

my face hurts a little.

One of the many perks of my mom being a flight attendant: spur of the moment trips to Cancun! We left Saturday and got back this afternoon.

I was so ready to sit in the sun and just be warm all the time, but unfortunately, the weather just wasn't cooperating. It was super windy (after being on the beach we had sand plastered everywhere on our bodies, even in our ears) and the sun decided to show only yesterday. Oh well. It was still fun being together and playing many, many games of Settler's of Catan :)

Another perk of my mom being a flight attendant: we all got first class on the way home! I love first class...they give us chocolate :)

My face got a little sun-burned yesterday, but it will just be tan in a few days so I'm not worried :)